The Weight of a Feather

Uplifting & Interdependent


Too Busy To Hate is rooted in a desire to get better and do better. We have a definitive belief that the fuel and the reward for working toward justice is depth in relationship. The more we are knitted together, the more we realize the truth that our dignities are intertwined. Realize in awareness, but more essentially in actualization.

This body of work enables us to partner with people who we look up to, who look different from us, and who look at the world in a unique way. Through each of our individual contributions and collective collaboration, we have a chance to climb higher. 

Feather logo, 2015.

Feather logo, 2015.

Feather logo, 2020.

Feather logo, 2020.

And so, a feather is our highest aspiration. It is everything we want to be - in a word, uplifting. In another word, interdependent. 


“It is everything we want to be - in a word, uplifting. In another word, interdependent. ”

We designed this feather with duality, progress, and core attributes in mind. The black and white provide a depiction, albeit oversimplified, of the interracial collaboration we are interested in. The asymmetry subtly hints at growth and forward motion. And the four notches relate to the values we want to define this work: 

Teamwork / Collaborating in dignified, cross-racial relationships 
Beauty /  Working toward justice and peace with optimism 
Tension / Admitting we have a lot to learn and recover from 
Hustle / Leaning into meaningful contribution with the gifts we have been given 


Something Related

Pick up the original Too Busy To Hate shirt in the shop.